Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Is Doomsday Coming? Perhaps, but Not in 2012

The 2012 phenomenon comprises a range of eschatological beliefs and proposals, which posit that cataclysmic or transformative events will occur in the year 2012—perhaps on or around December 21, which is said to be the end-date of a 5,125-year-long Mayan Long Count calendar. These beliefs may derive in part from archaeoastronomical speculation, alternative interpretations of mythology,numerological constructions, or alleged prophecies from extraterrestrial beings.

A New Age interpretation of this transition posits that, during this time, the planet and its inhabitants may undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation, and that 2012 may mark the beginning of a new era. Conversely, some believe that the 2012 date marks the beginning of an apocalypse. Both ideas have been disseminated in numerous books and TV documentaries, and have spread around the world through websites and discussion groups.

NASA said last week that the world was not ending — at least anytime soon. Last year, CERN, the European Center for Nuclear Research, said the same thing, which I guess is good news for those of us who are habitually jittery. How often do you have a pair of such blue-ribbon scientific establishments assuring us that everything is fine?


Monday, November 23, 2009

2012 BOOKS

2012: Extinction or Utopia

Doomsday Prophecies Explored (by J. Allan Danelek)
Is 2012 the end of the world as we know it? From 2012 to global warming to worldwide pandemics, doomsday scenarios play an increasingly large role in our lives. Do any of these apocalyptic scenarios pose a real, urgent risk? Why does our modern culture continue to embrace these bleak beliefs, and how are they affecting our world. Separating hype from truth, J. Allan Danelek scrutinizes the ancient Mayan calendar's end date of 2012 and takes a hard look at whether it spells the end of the world or a new beginning.

The 2012 Story (by John Major Jenkins)

The Myths, Fallacies, and Truth Behind the Most Intriguing Date in History
John Major Jenkins covers the complete history and significance of the date December 21, 2012, which marks the end of the Mayan Long Count calendar and a period when the earth, the sun, and the center of the galaxy will come together in an extremely rare cosmic alignment, possibly indicating a coming transformation. Jenkins provides illumination on the 2012 controversies and intrigues, as well as the wisdom available from the Mayan teachings.

Fractal Time (by Gregg Braden)

The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age
Fractal Time merges the modern discoveries of nature's patterns (fractals) with the ancient view of a cyclic universe. Applying fractal time to the history of the world and life, Braden proposes that everything from the war and peace between nations to the patterns of human relationships mirror the returning cycles of our past. As each cycle repeats, it carries a more powerful, amplified version of itself. The key: If you know where to look in the past, you know what to expect when the same conditions return in the present and future.

The Mystery of 2012

Predictions, Prophecies, and Possibilities (by Various Authors)
Major spiritual traditions, independent researchers, and archaeological findings all point toward 2012 as a critical moment in human history. This book features essays from the leading authorities on the 2012 phenomenon. Topics covered include... an examination of the scientific evidence for a shift in the earth's magnetic field and how it will affect all life ~~ explorations of the "accelerating pace of evolution" and why we may literally be transforming into a new species ~~ an analysis the original Mayan calendar ~~ thoughts about how we can take part in this shift to a life-sustaining culture.

Toward 2012: Perspectives on the Next Age

(by Edited by Daniel Pinchbeck and Ken Jordan)
As we begin the countdown toward the year 2012, this book draws together some of today's most celebrated visionaries, thinkers, and pioneers in the field of evolving consciousness to exploring topics from shamanism to urban homesteading, the legacy of Carlos Castaneda to Mayan predictions for the year 2012, and new paths in direct political action and human sexuality. Here are ideas that trace the arc of our evolution in consciousness, lifestyles, and communities as we draw closer to a moment in time that portends ways of living that are different from anything we have experienced.

2012 and the Galactic Center (by Christine R. Page M.D.)

The Return of the Great Mother
It is a fact of astronomy that our solar system will be in a new and noteworthy galactic alignment in 2012. Many think this will usher in a new era where the current perception of time will collapse and spiritual perception will expand. 2012 and the Galactic Center explains the psycho-spiritual preparations necessary to transition into this new era, and it shows how the alignment of the sun with the Galactic Center will allow humans the opportunity to experience and expanded consciousness and awareness normally reserved for shamans, pharaohs, and sages.

Beyond 2012 A Shaman's Call to Personal Change and the Transformation of Global Consciousness (by James Endredy)

We are living out the prophecies of a planet in peril as we count down the days until 2012, the end of the Mayan calendar. James Endredy offers a message of genuine hope that "every human being can be a shrine of love, an altar of hope" during this time of shifting global consciousness and radical change. Beyond 2012 offers a wealth of practical ways for each of us to personally help spark the transformation of human consciousness.

Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012 (by Drunvalo Melchizedek)

Every 13,000 years on Earth, Mother Earth's kundalini energy emerges from its resting place in the planet's core to heal hearts, align energies, right ancient imbalances, and balance the living earth's Unity Consciousness Grid. Drunvalo Melchizedek describes the impact of this event, emphasizing the indivisibility of life in the universe.

How To Survive 2012 (by Patrick Geryl)

Tactics and Survival Places for the Coming Pole Shift
Every 11,500 years, built-up tension in the sun's magnetic field undergoes a huge release, causing massive solar flares and a reversal of the Earth's rotational direction. The Earth's outer crust is thrown into chaos, with planet-wide earthquakes, volcanoes and tidal waves reshaping landmasses and seas in a matter of hours. Geryl calculates that the next such occurrence will be in 2012, and he predicts civilization as we know it will end, with very few humans surviving. But the obstacles are not insurmountable. This book is a blueprint for surviving the disaster.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Indonesia Islamic Leaders Split Over '2012'

An Indonesian Council of Ulema branch in Malang, East Java, has issued a fatwa on the film “2012” because they consider it “improper and misleading.”

The disaster film is based loosely on the 2012 phenomenon, which predicts that cataclysmic or transformative events will occur in 2012, based on what is said to be the end date of the Mayan long-count calendar. The film stars John Cusack and is currently screening in Indonesian cinemas.

The Malang branch of the council, known as the MUI, placed a ban on its followers viewing the film and suggested that people disregard the movie’s description about the end of days.

However, Amidhan, the chairman of MUI in Jakarta, said there was nothing wrong with the movie.

“Personally speaking, there is no problem with the movie, as long as it is not associated with the end of the world because nobody knows about that. The movie is fiction, not real,” Amidhan told

The MUI had not made a formal judgement about “2012” because they had not yet seen the movie. But they plan to review it soon, Amidhan said.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The 2012 Phenomenon, well explained

With 2012 fast approaching, it seems everybody in the know is talking about the great shift, the great awakening, the great transformation, the ascension of consciousness, crop circles, evolution and ultimately remembering who we really are, unlimited beings of Love. In this intensifying buzz of information and vibration, it is becoming an increasingly difficult struggle to discern the truth and determine what (if anything) is needed to prepare yourself and the ones you love for 2012 and beyond.
If you find yourself concerned about 2012 or other spiritual ‘end time matters’, don’t worry. There is nothing to fear, and nothing to worry about. However, the world is changing while consciousness is expanding and you should be aware of your expanding abilities and awareness, if you are to comfortably navigate and grow with the massive changes now occurring on Planet Earth.

“I think that by 2012 you will have people who are enlightened (open, honest, caring, loving, united to the divine) and those who still seek humanity’s lower natures (suffering, misery, hate, separation from the divine) but at least the scale may be tipping more toward enlightened.” -Hermes Trismegistus

2012 marks the end of the 26,000 year Mayan calendar. The Mayans created a map of time, a precise calendar, more accurate than our own. Far into the future, the Maya saw one particular day when the sun, earth and moon would converge on the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. On this day, the ancient Maya decided their calendar would end. The old age would end and a new age would begin. According to the Maya, this transformation of ages will occur during the Winter Solstice, on or around December 21st, in the year 2012.
Native American groups throughout this hemisphere, as well as many Eastern philosophies, believe that this major transformation is currently underway on the planet. They suggest that this phenomenon will climax in the year 2012, coinciding with the end of the 26,000 year Mayan calendar and a rare celestial alignment involving the sun and our galaxy, the Milky Way. Although I don’t believe a magical transformation is going to occur at a particular time and date, we will see all ‘things’ continue to vibrate at a higher and higher rate as we move to this date and beyond. Along with the Sun getting warmer, this high vibration of all things on Planet Earth is one of the causes of ‘Global Warming’. Al Gore and his man-made Global Warming hypothesis is a total fraud, study it yourself.

While this change is viewed as momentous and perhaps even cataclysmic, Native American seers do not view this transformation with the same apocalyptic gloom and doom as do the Judaic-Christian prophets. Instead, of an end, the Native Americans believe it will be a beginning, a transition into a new and better world. Instead of a time of darkness, Native American spirituality suggests that this change will be the dawning of a new light. Instead of condemning the masses of unsaved to eternal damnation, the spirit of 2012 allows every individual to be responsible for deciding and creating their own reality, their own destiny and position in this new world.

For this reason, Native American holy people believe that now is the time for all of us to begin making decisions about what reality we want in the future. They believe it is now time to take individual responsibility for our own futures. In August 1987, as the Mayan calendar entered its final phase, a group of elders in a remote area of Belize, Central America gathered together and decided to hold a special ceremony in honor of this impending transformation of ages.

“The Mayan Calendar provides an exact schedule for the Cosmic Plan and the unfolding of all things that come into existence. There is now ample empirical evidence for this, something that shines new light on the age old questions of mankind. Things do exist for a reason. The reason is that they fit into the divine cosmic plan. For those that seriously engage in a study of the Mayan Calendar this soon becomes evident and the former materialist world view loses all relevance. The Mayan Calendar is a gateway to the worlds of consciousness which the majority of humanity has been blinded to through the use of false or delusory calendars.

…What it does say is that step by step there will be a change in consciousness in the current Galactic Underworld that until October 28, 2011, will make Enlightenment a state that is increasingly more easily attained.” - Carl Johan Calleman

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Albert Einstein & 2012: Polar Shift by 2012? New Evidence and Theory Suggests Einstein May Have Been Right

Science has long speculated that the earth's center rotates at a different speed from the crust. The big question really has been "What holds the earth's crust in equilibrium with the center?" Visionary writer and inventor Carl Peterson may have discovered the answer. In looking for the reasons "magnetic north" lies far from the North Pole, Peterson has stumbled upon a scientific explanation that also fits with past polar shifts; and offers probable causes, timing, and local effects of the next shift. His theory complements and completes a Charles Hapgood theory endorsed by Albert Einstein, in which the poles, aided by massive ice build up, are eventually thrown by centrifugal force to the equator.

If the center rotates at a different speed from the crust, there is good reason to believe that this is the cause for the static electricity apparent on the earth's surface. If that is true, then North Pole on the crust must have an opposite magnetic charge from north in the earth's core.

The obvious conlusion is that "magnetic north" is not a specific designated point on the globe, but rather an "average" location determined by the confluence of the magnetic north of the massive earth center, and what must be in reality the weaker "magnetic south" of the earth's crust, which in fact rests at the North Pole.

If the earth's center has a pronounced "wobble" as it spins, slipping and sliding as it were beneath the crust, it is then the intense magnetic attraction between the two that defines the speed of the earth crust rotation. In other words, the crust spins at exactly the same speed as the wobble, or interior "precession". This effect can be demonstrated with a gyroscope or simple child's top. The top can have a high exterior spin rate, and at the same time a slowly wandering wobble.

The magnetic characteristics of the crust are then probably electromagnetic in nature, fully dependent upon the core for activation. If so, it will require a relatively weak catalyst to break this bond, sending the ice at the poles on a journey once again down (or up) to the equator.

Science knows that the ice on the polar land masses continues to build up rapidly. Warmer polar temperatures actually deposit more ice and snow, now more than two miles deep in some places.

A whole raft of prophesies and predictions (Cayce, Nostradamus, Hopi and Mayan Indians) point towards an event like this happening soon.

In his book "Earth Changes" Peterson goes one step further in actually detailing a step by step scenario of the next polar shift. Are there ways to avoid the next shift? Probably not. Are there ways to survive it? Undoubtably, being in the right place at the right time with the right gear can make a huge difference.

Carl Peterson is truly a man for all seasons. Carl has authored several books including his most recent, "The Zen of No Tax" revealing a simple alternative to the NWO tax conspiracy. Inventor and founder of the Peterson Portable Sawmill, Carl has done the corporate experience, lived in a remote British Columbian religious commune, lived on a Fijian jungle plantation for 13 years, and survived a brutal beating at the hands of armed Fijian soldiers following the '87 Fiji coup. At the moment Carl is focusing on a New Zealand tax revolution in order to restore freedom, abundance, sanity, and common sense to government leaders; and working on a new book promoting deeper relationships and connections between individuals.

Article By: Carl Peterson

The 2012 Predictions: You're Betting Your Life On It

If there's any truth to those ancient legends, you have precious little time left to make the most important wager of your life. Before dismissing this as new-age mumbo-jumbo, you'd best know exactly what's at stake.

A few nights ago my wife, Arianne, asked why I am taking so seriously the myth about the winter solstice of 2012 marking the end of the world as we know it. Although I gave the question my best shot at the time, all I got in return was a quizzical look and a shrug. I then promised to pull my thoughts together and make this the subject of my next column.

The Last Date in the Mayan Calendar

December 21, 2012 is a date that has been literally set in stone - it is the last date chiseled into the Mayan calendar. It is spoken of in the legends of other traditions as well and, according to some recent material I have been reading, has been part of the arcane knowledge of civilizations stretching back to Atlantis and Lemuria. Apparently some ancient people were privy to knowledge that remains largely unavailable to the majority of us today - even though we are the ones destined to live through this remarkable date

As one who has followed this subject for a number of years, I can add that the level of "chatter" - to borrow a term from the CIA - seems to be increasing at an impressive rate. Some of the latest material to cross my desk stopped me dead in my tracks (see:

Should we treat the predicted demise of our civilization with disdain or with riveted attention? This question would not be so challenging if the prophecies were backed by verifiable scientific process. Thanks to modern-day advances in our understanding of the Earth's orbit, we can predict a total eclipse of the sun on November 13, 2012. We can even tell within seconds precisely when and where this event will occur. But when it comes to an event like the end of the world, science can't help us; the forces in play have yet to be discovered by classical academia.

Thus on this matter we are left to our own devices. All of us must work out a response as best we can. However, if there is any truth to the story, our stance - the most wager we ultimately make - regarding this issue is arguably the most important of our life. As C. S. Lewis, the celebrated author of The Chronicles of Narnia, once said about his decision to embrace religion: "Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important."

The Meaning of the End of the World

There are several things to take into account before placing your bet. The first is to understand what is meant by "the end of the world." It clearly does not mean the planet will be destroyed, for that would take away all options in a single stroke, and the entire issue would be moot. That's not what the seers of the past were trying so hard to tell us. They were warning us of something entirely different - more like an abrupt shift in the direction of one's life.

Just as today's astronomers have a more expansive perspective on outer space than Galileo and Kepler did, so those throughout history who have been able to view earthly events from a cosmic point of view have had a broader understanding than most of us of the narrative of our planet through time.

To illustrate, imagine that you are observing a steadily accelerating car from a helicopter several thousand feet above a three-lane highway. You can clearly see the road stretching to the horizon. Looking ahead, you notice that the road goes over a small rise and comes to a sudden fork where the lanes split sharply apart. Because the fork is hidden from the driver's view until the last instant, there will be no time for him or her to change lanes before the road divides.

Now if the car is in the left lane, it must take the left fork; if it's in the right lane, it must go right. If it's in the center lane, it will crash into the dividing barrier. Those are the only alternatives. Based on the car's speed, you can calculate the precise instant it will arrive at the point of no return. How would you alert the driver to the imminent danger?

Free Will During End Times

Such has been the dilemma of the cosmic seers. What is most compelling about their warnings is that many different visionaries have delivered the same message even though they apparently had absolutely no connection with each other. In other words, different seers throughout history have seen the same events coming to a head at exactly the same moment in linear time.

To carry the analogy further: Each of us is the driver of our own car. Since we have free will, we can opt to switch lanes at any time before reaching the fork in the road. According to the received teachings, the choice is simple: you can dedicate your life to the service of self, in which case you attempt to dominate and control others to gain personal power, or you can be in service to others, focusing each thought, word, and deed for the benefit of another being. The first choice (service to self) would put your car in the left lane; the second choice (service to others) equates to the right lane. Opting for neither keeps you locked in the center lane.

The teachings also tell us the consequences of each choice. The Earth, itself a sentient, conscious entity, has already chosen the right lane. Those of us who make the same choice will stay with her and move into the next density, or vibrational level of experience, which many call the golden age of love and peace. Those who choose the negative path (service to self) will be moved to a new planetary home where they can perfect the art of control. The beings that opt for neither fork will simply recycle the entire present human experience, beginning as prehumans who are subject to being preyed upon and controlled by those beings who opt for the negative path.

Decision Theory and the Existence of God

Before dismissing this as pure metaphysical mishmash, I suggest you consider the words of Blaise Pascal, the renowned French mathematician and philosopher who applied decision theory to the question of the existence of God. The result was the famous Pascal's Wager, which likens the matter to a yes/no bet - only instead of money, you are risking your eternal soul. According to Pascal, there are two propositions: God exists, and God does not exist. (Notably, Pascal understood God as the Christian God depicted in the Bible, which provides some information about God, but attempts no proof of his existence.) Pascal proposed that before placing your bet, you should consider the four possibilities:

If you choose to believe in God, and if God exists, you go to heaven: your gain is infinite.
If you choose to believe in God, and if God doesn't exist, your loss is finite and therefore negligible.
If you choose not to believe in God, and if God doesn't exist, your gain is finite and therefore negligible.
If you choose not to believe in God, and if God exists, you will go to hell: your loss is infinite.
Pascal's notes, which appear in his unfinished treatise Pensées, wrap it all up neatly: "Let us weigh the gain and the loss in wagering that God is. Let us estimate these two chances. If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager, then, without hesitation that He is."

Logic for The 2012 Shift

I suggest applying the same logic to the possibility of a major shift in 2012. We can only assume that the information is either true or not true. And all four of Pascal's options apply. For me, the only course of action that resonates with my inner being is to act as if the proposed events and are accurate.

This is similar to having a physician tell you that you have only six months (or in this case six years) to live. Many people who have received such dire news have managed to not only live the most present and exquisite six months of their lives but, because of the palpable shift in their lifestyles, some even reversed their medical condition. The predictions for 2012 are, as it were, giving us just a few more years to live. We can cower through them in fear and denial, or we can accept this as an invitation to live more fully and purposefully than we ever have before.

In my own case, the consequence is that an overriding thought now drives my every waking moment: how can I further help to shift the consciousness of humanity? These words barely capture what I truly feel. There is so much more I want to convey, but like my six and a half billion fellow travelers on this planet, I am still learning to use the language of the heart.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why Dec 21 2012?

Here is an idea worth considering:

Thousands of years ago humankind had attained a high-level of technological achievement. They understood laws of nature that are still unknown to us today. They explored Antarctica and mapped the entire globe. They made monuments that we would have difficulty recreating with our modern techniques and equipment...

Then tragedy struck in the form of a global cataclysm. They were not expecting it. The disaster was so terrible that most humans perished and many animal species became extinct. Those humans that did survive were forced to live like animals while the Earth recovered. Memories faded, and knowledge disappeared. Society began again from scratch, returning to pagan beliefs and simplistic lives. But there were some that survived who managed to remember their past, that retained some of the advanced techniques and ideas that others had forgotten - and had the foresight and dedication to warn future generations of the next cataclysm. Knowing that it would be more than 10,000 years before the cataclysm recurred, they had to allow for certain possibilities: that in the year 2012 we could be speaking a brand new language, following unpredictable religions and using any sort of numbering system. If they were to leave us clues to help us survive, those clues would need to be big and solid enough to last 10,000 years; and coded so as to be unambiguous - regardless of the culture that interpreted them. Some modern humans, of various backgrounds and disciplines, are working towards deciphering what they have left us.

We are on the verge of cloning humans, of aping God. Regardless of ethics and laws, it will happen - for whenever scientists have had the ability to do something, they haven't been able to resist - it is in their nature. On the other side of the coin, when there are not enough clues to solve a puzzle, when none of their predecessors have made quality in-roads, they have rattled off stock answers and moved on to something easier. These unsolved mysteries are typically of a historical nature - our scientists have been unable to observe the processes in real-time, and have chosen not to make guesses. These tasks have by default been given to the independent researchers, the untrained pseudo-scientists, the men and women with imagination, verve and daring. The rebels.

This book pulls together a number of these mysteries. They all relate to the potential for a global cataclysm that may be just around the corner.

Most of the topics are much debated, with radicals and the establishment taking opposing views. Is the Sphinx 5,000 or 12,000 years old? Did the biblical flood really happen? And if it did was it regional or global? Did modern man once live in the ocean? How was it that separate ancient societies all had the ability to shift giant blocks and why did they all build pyramids and underground chambers? Is a race of "mysteroius elders" involved in our DNA, and our destiny?

We shall look at ideas that have been endorsed by great thinkers, yet are ignored by the esteemed scholars of today. The idea of a pole shift had the agreement of Einstein; the existence of Atlantis was described by Plato; global cataclysms were hinted at by Darwin.

And we will see evidence that orthodox science has chosen to ignore, evidence that fails to fit their precious paradigms. Artefacts showing human civilisations existing 100,000 or even millions of years ago. Proof of a cataclysmic poleshift 12,000 years ago. And evidence that is strangely missing, such as the missing links of evolution.

Helping bind these topics together I will present some new information concerning mythical creatures and cosmic rays. And I shall explain how a global network of monuments was created for a common purpose - to warn us of our potential extinction. Hopefully these ideas will spark enough debate so that the things we treasure, and the species that we are, continue for a long, long time.

Robert Bast, somewhere, May 2001

What will happen in 2012?

2012 Possibilities

As 2012 approaches we have a growing list of what "experts" feel might occur. Despite the sincerity and long-winded explanations, it's all just guesswork. There is no scientific evidence that anything untoward will happen in 2012. All we have to suggest that 2012 will be any different to 2011 or 2013 is that the Mayan Long Count calendar ends on Dec 21, 2012. The Mayans themselves had almost nothing to say about what the end of the calendar held for humankind, and this suggests that they merely inherited the calendar from an earlier culture. In deciding which of the many possible calamities are more likely to wipe us out in 2012, the possibility of an ancient culture predicting such for 2012 must be taken into consideration.
Here's my list of possibilities, ranked on 3 criteria; the relative odds of happening this century, of happening in 2012, and of the ancients being able to predict such a thing. Regarding aliens and a religious apocalypse, while I don't believe in these things personally, they are on the list due to the billions of folk that do believe in them

1-Asteroid/Meteor/Comet - ancient, advanced civilisations have one distinct advantage over us - they may have observed the skies for longer, and may have spotted an orbit that will culminate in a collision with Earth in 2012. This is easily the most predictable disaster for 2012. With recent discussion of "dark comets", we have become aware of the possibility of our planet being struck with little or no warning.

Possibility this century 9
Possibility in 2012 8
Could Ancients Predict It? 10

2. Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) from our Sun - a CME was behind the solar storm of 1859. It occurred in September of that year, causing the failure of telegraph systems across North America and Europe. Accompanying the storm were auroras that are normally only seen in the Arctic and Antarctic, but were visible as far south as the Caribbean. Typically we would expect a storm of 1859's magnitude cause power blackouts and wreck satellites. But do we really know how big they can get? In 2009 NASA told us to be wary of solar storms, and warned of the dangers to America's ancient overloaded power grid. Being without power for a few months, in the developed world, is a lot more serious than most people realise.

Possibility this century 10
Possibility in 2012 8
Could Ancients Predict It? 6

3. Magnetic Pole Shift - pole reversals have been happening on average once every 400,000 years, with the most recent one being 730,000 years ago - so we are well overdue. Not only do we not know much about reversals, scientists are still unsure about how our magnetic field is generated. Long thought to be a by-product of the movements of liquid iron in our planet's core, recent studies are suggesting that our salty oceans might be the cause. Scientists suggest a geomagnetic reversal takes thousands of years and does no harm. They are wrong - it could just as easily happen overnight. No mechanism is known for the cause of the magnetic poles swapping places. Our magnetic field is known to be rapidly declining (10% in the last 150 years), and the magnetic North pole is moving around at an accelerating pace - it has been predicted it will move from Canada to Siberia in the next 50 years. These changes could be indicating an imminent reversal.

Possibility this century 8
Possibility in 2012 7
Could Ancients Predict It? 7

4. Explosion from the black hole at the center of our galaxy - in 1983 Dr Paul LaViolette described the dangers of a Galactic core explosion. He explained that it would generate a cosmic ray superwave, and it would be signalled by a gamma ray burst (see below). He also warned us that a gravity wave might travel ahead of the superwave. If seems likely that the 2004 tsunami was caused by a gravity wave, because the accompanying GRB arrived just 21 hours later, and was the brightest ever observed, 100 times brighter than any other seen in recorded history. This gravity wave did not come from our galactic center, but if it had, perhaps the effects would have been much worse.

Possibility this century 8
Possibility in 2012 7
Could Ancients Predict It? 6

5. Religious Apocalypse - or rapture, or "judgement day". Most religions predict such a day. Conspiracy theorists suggest that many world leaders have apocalyptic beliefs, and may even be attempting to cause Biblical prophecy to be fulfilled in 2012 via their actions. If it helps, the Bible says “But of that day and hour knoweth no one, not even the angels of heaven, neither the Son, but the Father only.” But then again, maybe God changed his mind since the Bible was written, and told some people the date of the apocalypse? Maybe he told the ancient Mayans? Possibilities could be argued ad infinitum

Possibility this century 6
Possibility in 2012 6
Could Ancients Predict It? 8

6. Alien Invasion - no evidence, but plenty of believers! Tied in with this are recent crop circles that have 2012 and Mayan themes. If aliens are the creators of crop circles, then one would expect the circles to be a warning of sorts.

Possibility this century 7
Possibility in 2012 6
Could Ancients Predict It? 7

7. Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) - a 2004 study told us that a GRB from a distance of just one kiloparsec could destroy half of Earth's ozone layer. It suggests that historical mass extinctions may have been caused by GRBs. NASA explains how "gamma-ray radiation from a relatively nearby star explosion, hitting the Earth for only ten seconds, could deplete up to half of the atmosphere's protective ozone layer. Recovery could take at least five years. With the ozone layer damaged, ultraviolet radiation from the Sun could kill much of the life on land and near the surface of oceans and lakes, and disrupt the food chain."

Possibility this century 7
Possibility in 2012 7
Could Ancients Predict It? 5

8. Crustal Displacement - a physical pole shift. The mechanism is not understood, and most theories are just wild guesses. However it seems quite likely we had one 12,000 years ago, and what goes around, comes around. Charles Hapgood provided substantial evidence for a pole shift at that time, and Allan and Delair have added to it in their book Cataclysm!: Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9500 B.C. Take into account that Albert Einstein endorsed Hapgood's ideas, and we have something to worry about.

Possibility this century 6
Possibility in 2012 6
Could Ancients Predict It? 6

9. Cosmic Rays - scientists have yet to work out where most high-energy cosmic rays come from. Either an increase striking our atmosphere, or a weakening of our shields, will let in more cosmic rays. They are already zipping through your body every second, and they could end up being our silent killers. As one example of their danger, airlines do not let pregnant women work on their inter-continental routes, because of the increased exposure to cosmic rays at those heights.

Possibility this century 8
Possibility in 2012 6
Could Ancients Predict It? 3

10. Flu Pandemic - it might not be swine flu, but flu researchers say a deadly pandemic is not a case of if, but when. Our generation is generally unaware of how bad the pandemic of 1918 was - it killed 50 million people. It was the number one cause of death amongst soldiers in WW1. Being killed by the enemy came second.

Possibility this century 10
Possibility in 2012 6
Could Ancients Predict It? 1

11. Nuclear War / WW3 / Biological War - although the Cold War is over, and less bunkers are being built, the threat is still very real. Tensions between the Koreas, and India & Pakistan are worrisome, as are the huge bunkers that the Russians have built. The Yamantau complex is large enough to protect 60,000 people!

Possibility this century 10
Possibility in 2012 5
Could Ancients Predict It? 2

12. Supervolcano - these are real, they have caused great catastrophes in the past, and we have no idea when the next eruption will be. Some believe Yellowstone could explode again soon, as it has been exhibiting signs of unrest, with earthquake swarms, ground deformation and considerable heat and gas emissions. It it did erupt, expect half of the USA to be wiped out, and major variations in global climate for many years. For more information, watch documentaries by the BBC and Discovery Channel.

Possibility this century 7
Possibility in 2012 4
Could Ancients Predict It? 5

13. Rise of the Machines - somewhere between Terminator and I Robot is an easy prediction: robots one day will have the capacity to rule the world. Are we stupid enough to allow it to happen?

Possibility this century 10
Possibility in 2012 2
Could Ancients Predict It? 2

14. Global Warming - it will only take an increase of a couple of degrees to make life very difficult for most humans. Luckily for us, it is unlikely to wipe us out as early as 2012.

Possibility this century 9
Possibility in 2012 3
Could Ancients Predict It? 2

15. Time Travel Error - someone from the future ventures into our past and causes a conflict in the time-space continuum... if it causes us harm in 2012, maybe someone managed to zip back in time and warn the ancients of it?

Possibility this century 6
Possibility in 2012 3
Could Ancients Predict It? 4

16. Nanotechnology - while this might have health concerns when used in everyday products (ie sunscreen), the doomsday risk is when self-replicating little thingies are developed. Search for "grey goo". Fortunately 2012 seems too soon for some mad scientist to let the goo loose.

Possibility this century 9
Possibility in 2012 2
Could Ancients Predict It? 1

17. Nearby Supernova - experts say that no supernova candidates are close enough to harm us. But how many supernovas have they observed? This is where, after the fact, scientists proclaim "but of course!"

Possibility this century 5
Possibility in 2012 4
Could Ancients Predict It? 3

18. Genetic Modification - we blindly take vaccinations, and we might be sheep when it comes to "gene therapy" as well. Our desire to live longer might just be our undoing.

Possibility this century 8
Possibility in 2012 3
Could Ancients Predict It? 1

19. Nuclear Accident - nothing is foolproof. We've had such accidents in the past, and a bigger accident is totally possible. Hard for the ancients to predict, though.

Possibility this century 8
Possibility in 2012 2
Could Ancients Predict It? 1

20. Ice Age - right now the buzz is about "global warming", yet a mere thirty years ago we were worried about an impending Ice Age. There is evidence that parts of our climate system work more like a switch than a dial, and if a certain level of temperature is reached, it may cause what is known as "abrupt climate change". See the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" for how it might work.

Possibility this century 6
Possibility in 2012 1
Could Ancients Predict It? 2

21. Solar System Falls Apart (butterfly effect) - to the best of our knowledge, everything is OK for a long, long time. However simulations have shown how Mercury could cause Earth and Mars to collide a few billion years from now. But throw a stray comet or Planet X into the mix, and our solar system could turn into a catastrophic pinball machine any old time.

Possibility this century 0
Possibility in 2012 0
Could Ancients Predict It? 4

22. Large Hadron Collider - scientists tinkering with something they think they understand the risks of, but what if there's a 0.000001% chance their black hole calculations are wrong? Is it worth the risk? Originally we were told by CERN scientists that it was impossible for a black hole (that might gobble up the entire planet) to be created by the LHC, because it "would decay before it had the chance to do any damage". This has recently been updated to "the growth of black holes to catastrophic size does not seem possible.”

Possibility this century 1
Possibility in 2012 1
Could Ancients Predict It? 0

2012 film

A movie called 2012, directed by Roland Emmerich and starring the actors John Cusack, Danny Glover,Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Thandie Newton, Oliver Platt and Woody Harrelson was released on November 13, 2009. On November 12, 2008, the studio released the first teaser trailer for 2012 that showed a megatsunami surging over the Himalayas and interlaced a purportedly scientific message suggesting that the world would end in 2012, and that the world's governments were not preparing its population for the event. The trailer ended with a message to viewers to "find out the truth" by searching "2012" on search engines. The Guardian criticized the marketing effectiveness as "deeply flawed" and associated it with "websites that make even more spurious claims about 2012".[82]

The studio also launched a viral marketing website operated by the fictional Institute for Human Continuity, where filmgoers could register for a lottery number to be part of a small population that would be rescued from the global destruction.[83] The fictitious website lists the Nibiru collision, a galactic alignment, and increased solar activity among its possible doomsday scenarios.[84] David Morrison ofNASA has received over 1000 inquiries from people who thought the website was genuine and has condemned it, saying "I've even had cases of teenagers writing to me saying they are contemplating suicide because they don't want to see the world end. I think when you lie on the Internet and scare children in order to make a buck, that is ethically wrong.

Black hole alignment

An apocalyptic reading of Jenkins's hypothesis has that, when the galactic alignment occurs, it will somehow create a combined gravitational effect between the Sun and the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy (known as Sgr A*), creating havoc on Earth.[73] Apart from the fact noted above that the "galactic alignment" predicted by Jenkins already happened in 1998, the Sun's apparent path through the zodiac as seen from Earth does not take it near the true galactic center, but rather several degrees above it.[74] Even if this were not the case, Sgr A* is 30,000 light years from Earth, and would have to be more than 6 million times closer to cause any gravitational disruption to our Solar System.[75][76]

Some versions of this idea elide the 2012 "galactic alignment" with the very different "galactic alignment" proposed by some scientists to explain a supposed periodicity in mass extinctions in the fossil record.[77] The hypothesis supposes that vertical oscillations made by the Sun as it orbits the galactic center cause it to regularly pass through the galactic plane. When the Sun's orbit takes it outside the galactic disc, the influence of the galactic tide is weaker; as it re-enters the galactic disc, as it does every 20–25 million years, it comes under the influence of the far stronger "disc tides", which, according to mathematical models, increase the flux of Oort cloud comets into the Solar System by a factor of 4, leading to a massive increase in the likelihood of a devastating comet impact.[78] However, this "alignment" takes place over tens of millions of years, and could never be timed to an exact date.[79]Evidence shows that the Sun passed through the galactic disc only three million years ago, and is now moving farther above it.

Geomagnetic reversal

One idea proposed in these films involves a geomagnetic reversal (often incorrectly referred to as a polar shift by proponents of this hypothesis), which could be triggered by a massive solar flare, one with energy equal to 100 billion atomic bombs.[64] This belief is supposedly supported by observations that the Earth's magnetic field is weakening,[65] which indicates an impending reversal of the north and south magnetic poles. Scientists believe the Earth is overdue for a geomagnetic reversal, and has been for a long time, even since the time of the Mayans, because the last reversal was 780,000 years ago.[66]Critics, however, claim geomagnetic reversals take up to 5,000 years to complete, and do not start on any particular date. Also, NOAA now predicts that the solar maximum will peak in 2013, not 2012, and that it will be fairly weak, with a below-average number of sunspots.[67] In any case, there is no scientific evidence linking a solar maximum to a geomagnetic reversal.[68] A solar maximum would be mostly notable for its effects on satellite and cellular phone communications.

Doomsday theories

A far more apocalyptic view of the year 2012 has also spread in various media. This view has been promulgated by History Channel which, beginning in 2006, aired "Decoding the Past: Mayan Doomsday Prophecy", based loosely on John Major Jenkins' theories but with a tone he characterized as "45 minutes of unabashed doomsday hype and the worst kind of inane sensationalism". It was co-written by a science fiction author.[61] This show proved popular and was followed by many sequels: 2012, End of Days (2006), The Last Days on Earth (2008), Seven Signs of the Apocalypse, and Nostradamus 2012(2008) (2008).[62] Discovery Channel also aired "2012 Apocalypse" in 2009, suggesting that massive solar storms, flipping of the magnetic poles, earthquakes, super volcanoes, and more may occur in 2012. [63]

Timewave zero and the I Ching

"Timewave zero" is a numerological formula that purports to calculate the ebb and flow of "novelty", defined as increase in theuniverse's interconnectedness, or organised complexity,[58] overtime. According to Terence McKenna, who conceived the idea over several years in the early-mid 1970s while using psilocybin mushrooms and DMT, the universe has a teleological attractor at theend of time that increases interconnectedness, eventually reaching asingularity of infinite complexity in 2012, at which point anything and everything imaginable will occur instantaneously.[58]

McKenna expressed "novelty" in a computer program, which purportedly produces a waveform known astimewave zero or the timewave. Based on McKenna's interpretation of the King Wen sequence of the I Ching,[59] the graph appears to show great periods of novelty corresponding with major shifts in humanity's biological and cultural evolution. He believed the events of any given time are recursivelyrelated to the events of other times, and chose the atomic bombing of Hiroshima as the basis for calculating his end date in November 2012. When he later discovered this date's proximity to the end of the 13th baktun on the Maya calendar, he revised his hypothesis so that the two dates matched.[60]

The first edition of The Invisible Landscape refers to 2012 (as the year, not a specific day) only twice. McKenna originally considered it an incidental observation that his and José Argüelles dates matched, a sign of the end date "being programmed into our unconscious". It was only in 1983, with the publication of Sharer's revised table of date correlations in the 4th edition of Morley's The Ancient Maya, that each became convinced that December 21, 2012 had significant meaning. McKenna subsequently peppered this specific date throughout the second, 1993 edition of The Invisible Landscape

Galactic alignment

n the mid-1990s, John Major Jenkins asserted that the ancient Maya had planned an intentional correspondence of a December 21 date with the winter solstice in 2012. This date was in line with an idea he terms the galactic alignment.[43]

In the solar system, the planets and the Sun share roughly the same plane of orbit, known as the plane of the ecliptic. From our perspective on Earth, the Zodiacal constellations move along or near the ecliptic, and over time, appear to recede counterclockwise by one degree every 72 years. This movementis attributed to a slight wobble in the Earth's axis as it spins.[44] As a result, approximately every 2160 years, the constellation visible on the early morning of the spring equinox changes. In Western astrological traditions, this signals the end of one astrological age (currently the Age of Pisces) and the beginning of another (Age of Aquarius). Over the course of 26,000 years, the precession of the equinoxesmakes one full circuit around the ecliptic.[44]

Just as the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere is currently in the constellation of Pisces, so the winter solstice is currently in the constellation of Sagittarius, which happens to be the constellation intersected by the galactic equator.[45] Every year for the last 1000 years or so, on the winter solstice, the Earth, Sun and the galactic equator come into alignment, and every year, precession pushes the Sun's position a little way further through the Milky Way's band.

The Milky Way near Cygnusshowing the lane of the Dark Rift, which the Maya called the Xibalba be or "Black Road"

Jenkins suggests that the Maya based their calendar on observations of the Great Rift, a band of dark dust clouds in theMilky Way, which the Maya called the Xibalba be or "Black Road."[46] Jenkins claims that the Maya were aware of where theecliptic intersected the Black Road and gave this position in the sky a special significance in their cosmology.[3] According to the hypothesis, the Sun precisely aligns with this intersection point at the winter solstice of 2012.[3] Jenkins claimed that the classical Mayans anticipated this conjunction and celebrated it as the harbinger of a profound spiritual transition for mankind.[47] New Age proponents of the galactic alignment hypothesis argue that, just as astrologyuses the positions of stars and planets to make claims of future events, the Mayans plotted their calendars with the objective of preparing for significant world events.[48] Jenkins attributes the insights of ancient Maya shamans about the galactic center to their use of psilocybin mushrooms, psychoactive toads, and other psychedelics.[49] Jenkins also associates the Xibalba be with a "world tree", drawing on studies of contemporary (not ancient) Maya cosmology.[8]

The alignment in question is not exclusive to 2012 but takes place over a 36-year period, corresponding to the diameter of the Sun, with the most precise convergence having already occurred in 1998.[50] Also, Jenkins himself notes that there is no concrete evidence that the Maya were aware of precession.[43]While some Mayan scholars, such as Barbara MacLeod, have suggested that some Mayan holy dates were timed to precessional cycles, scholarly opinion on the subject is divided.[22] There is also little evidence, archaeological or historical, that the Maya placed any importance on solstices or equinoxes.[22][51]