Monday, November 23, 2009

2012 BOOKS

2012: Extinction or Utopia

Doomsday Prophecies Explored (by J. Allan Danelek)
Is 2012 the end of the world as we know it? From 2012 to global warming to worldwide pandemics, doomsday scenarios play an increasingly large role in our lives. Do any of these apocalyptic scenarios pose a real, urgent risk? Why does our modern culture continue to embrace these bleak beliefs, and how are they affecting our world. Separating hype from truth, J. Allan Danelek scrutinizes the ancient Mayan calendar's end date of 2012 and takes a hard look at whether it spells the end of the world or a new beginning.

The 2012 Story (by John Major Jenkins)

The Myths, Fallacies, and Truth Behind the Most Intriguing Date in History
John Major Jenkins covers the complete history and significance of the date December 21, 2012, which marks the end of the Mayan Long Count calendar and a period when the earth, the sun, and the center of the galaxy will come together in an extremely rare cosmic alignment, possibly indicating a coming transformation. Jenkins provides illumination on the 2012 controversies and intrigues, as well as the wisdom available from the Mayan teachings.

Fractal Time (by Gregg Braden)

The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age
Fractal Time merges the modern discoveries of nature's patterns (fractals) with the ancient view of a cyclic universe. Applying fractal time to the history of the world and life, Braden proposes that everything from the war and peace between nations to the patterns of human relationships mirror the returning cycles of our past. As each cycle repeats, it carries a more powerful, amplified version of itself. The key: If you know where to look in the past, you know what to expect when the same conditions return in the present and future.

The Mystery of 2012

Predictions, Prophecies, and Possibilities (by Various Authors)
Major spiritual traditions, independent researchers, and archaeological findings all point toward 2012 as a critical moment in human history. This book features essays from the leading authorities on the 2012 phenomenon. Topics covered include... an examination of the scientific evidence for a shift in the earth's magnetic field and how it will affect all life ~~ explorations of the "accelerating pace of evolution" and why we may literally be transforming into a new species ~~ an analysis the original Mayan calendar ~~ thoughts about how we can take part in this shift to a life-sustaining culture.

Toward 2012: Perspectives on the Next Age

(by Edited by Daniel Pinchbeck and Ken Jordan)
As we begin the countdown toward the year 2012, this book draws together some of today's most celebrated visionaries, thinkers, and pioneers in the field of evolving consciousness to exploring topics from shamanism to urban homesteading, the legacy of Carlos Castaneda to Mayan predictions for the year 2012, and new paths in direct political action and human sexuality. Here are ideas that trace the arc of our evolution in consciousness, lifestyles, and communities as we draw closer to a moment in time that portends ways of living that are different from anything we have experienced.

2012 and the Galactic Center (by Christine R. Page M.D.)

The Return of the Great Mother
It is a fact of astronomy that our solar system will be in a new and noteworthy galactic alignment in 2012. Many think this will usher in a new era where the current perception of time will collapse and spiritual perception will expand. 2012 and the Galactic Center explains the psycho-spiritual preparations necessary to transition into this new era, and it shows how the alignment of the sun with the Galactic Center will allow humans the opportunity to experience and expanded consciousness and awareness normally reserved for shamans, pharaohs, and sages.

Beyond 2012 A Shaman's Call to Personal Change and the Transformation of Global Consciousness (by James Endredy)

We are living out the prophecies of a planet in peril as we count down the days until 2012, the end of the Mayan calendar. James Endredy offers a message of genuine hope that "every human being can be a shrine of love, an altar of hope" during this time of shifting global consciousness and radical change. Beyond 2012 offers a wealth of practical ways for each of us to personally help spark the transformation of human consciousness.

Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012 (by Drunvalo Melchizedek)

Every 13,000 years on Earth, Mother Earth's kundalini energy emerges from its resting place in the planet's core to heal hearts, align energies, right ancient imbalances, and balance the living earth's Unity Consciousness Grid. Drunvalo Melchizedek describes the impact of this event, emphasizing the indivisibility of life in the universe.

How To Survive 2012 (by Patrick Geryl)

Tactics and Survival Places for the Coming Pole Shift
Every 11,500 years, built-up tension in the sun's magnetic field undergoes a huge release, causing massive solar flares and a reversal of the Earth's rotational direction. The Earth's outer crust is thrown into chaos, with planet-wide earthquakes, volcanoes and tidal waves reshaping landmasses and seas in a matter of hours. Geryl calculates that the next such occurrence will be in 2012, and he predicts civilization as we know it will end, with very few humans surviving. But the obstacles are not insurmountable. This book is a blueprint for surviving the disaster.

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